Truth in Aviation: Newsletter of the Regional Commission on Airport Affairs

September 13, 2004
Vol.12, No.2

Citizens Stand Firm Against
Third Runway As Lawsuits End

Citizen opposition to the Sea-Tac Airport third runway project remains unchanged, after the withdrawal of the last city-funded legal challenges to environmental aspects of the project on August 17, according to RCAA's President Larry Corvari. “The third runway is still a lousy idea, & the vast majority of people in the Highline communities remain opposed to it. Nothing has changed to make this proposal more acceptable,” he said. ...more

Why the Runway Project
Is a Financial Quagmire
The Sea-Tac third-runway project has been described as a “financial quagmire”. Here's why. ...more

Neighbors Say: “Runway Is Not Needed”
"Although the legal focus has mostly been on wetlands and water quality, our main objection to the runway is that it is an utter waste of money. It's a really DUMB project," said Larry Corvari, President of RCAA, commenting on what will happen next in the third-runway battle. According to Corvari and to experts on delay and capacity planning, the most important reason to oppose the runway is that it is simply not needed. ...more

Environmental Reasons Why
This Is a Bad Project
Sea-Tac Airport isn't just a government-funded business that most of us use. It's also the single biggest polluter in Washington State. Large jet airports, like Sea-Tac, generate massive amounts of air pollution, water pollution, storm water runoff, and noise pollution - pollution unmatched by any other single source.
Historically, the Airport has done very little to control its pollution or to ameliorate its effects. It spends none of its profits on pollution control or cleanup. ...more

Why Third Runway Is So Unfair Opposition to the Sea-Tac third runway project remains very strong in the Highline area because of the heavy burdens that the runway would thrust on the citizens & cities in Highline (South-West King County). ...more

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