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Issues in Brief: There are several good, & much cheaper, alternatives for relieving arrival delay at Sea-Tac. It would be more sensible to implement these alternatives now, even though delay is only a trivial problem at present. Using better avigation systems would be good: GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) systems & other proven technologies would allow aircraft to arrive much more frequently during poor weather than at present.

A simple, non-technological alternative is to avoid scheduling arrivals at the most congested times. Even a few minutes' change in schedule can be very helpful, for the peak periods are concentrated into just a few scattered quarter-hour segments.

Sea-Tac's long-term capacity is an issue. There have been warnings of vast increases in future air travel, which might prove true, though predictions of future air travel are highly unreliable. Instead of expanding Sea-Tac, alternatives include use of existing near-by airports, construction of new facilities in less-crowded areas, and high-speed rail, especially in the Vancouver-Portland corridor.

In the planning documents for the third runway, none of these alternatives was fully considered, though all should have been. The planners gave no consideration to the risks of putting nearly all air travel into Sea-Tac, with no back-up in case of earthquake, impossible weather, labor strife, accidents, etc.


Text of engrossed SSB5121 June 2005, setting up Airport Siting Council .pdf

“Summary: Statewide Long-Term Air Study” [from Aviation Division,
WSDOT] .pdf

Proposed Project Schedule, Phase I” [from Aviation Division, WSDOT] .pdf

Application form to become an airport citing council member [.pdf]

Nomination form to nomination someone else to be a airport citing council member [.pdf]

RESOLUTION EB-04-01 As Adopted (adopted by PSRC Executive Board December 8, 2004) A RESOLUTION of the Executive Board of the Puget Sound Regional Council related to planning for Long-Term Commercial Air Transportation Capacity [.pdf file 126 kb]

2002, July Presentation to House of Representatives on Alternatives (ACC, Hockaday) [Acrobat file - 234 KB, 12 pages]

Puget Sound Regional Council Expert Arbitration Panel, Final Decision on Demand Management. Dec. 8, 1995.
Final Decision. Urges region to look a high speed rail, does not find demand management alone adequate due to disinterest by Port and WSDOT. [Acrobat version - 18 KB, 6 pages]




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